ansheng 大佬有话说 :
webhorizon的NAT VPS
怎么查看映射的端口列表呢。。。。 这个地址坏掉了
weshen 大佬有话说 :
本帖最后由 weshen 于 2021-5-2 10:36 编辑
2] How to access your server using SSH?
If you have IPv6 connectivity simply use your assigned IPv6 and port 22 for SSH.
For SSH over IPv4
Shared (NAT) IPv4 – y.y.y.y
Internal IP –
SSH using – y.y.y.y port xxx21
You need an SSH client to access your server, use PUTTY ( it’s free.
3] Which IPv4 ports can I use / I did’nt understand how to SSH?
You have been assigned a range of 20 ports on your Shared (NAT) IPv4 address and 1 extra forwarded port for SSH.
The first 20 ports are based on the last octet of your internal IP, you can use these for anything you want, examples below:
example: has the following port range usable: 10001-10020
example: has the following port range forwarded: 22101 – 22120