苹果对 OCSP 的解释来了
苹果确认了隐私问题, 并承诺采取整改措施
不保存用户的 ip
我觉得这个态度还是可以的, 没有回避问题。但是毕竟是个闭源的产品, 这个是今天发现的问题,没有被用户发现的地方苹果是怎么玩的我们不得而知。
苹果确认了隐私问题, 并承诺采取整改措施
不保存用户的 ip
我觉得这个态度还是可以的, 没有回避问题。但是毕竟是个闭源的产品, 这个是今天发现的问题,没有被用户发现的地方苹果是怎么玩的我们不得而知。
自媒体的吹文:你看,苹果因为不窃取隐私,所以 Siri 发展得这么慢,而 XXX……
Developer ID Application Certificate (Mac applications)
If your certificate expires, users can still download, install, and run versions of your Mac applications that were signed with this certificate. However, you will need a new certificate to sign updates and new applications. If your certificate is revoked, users will no longer be able to install applications that have been signed with this certificate. If your Mac application utilizes a Developer ID provisioning profile to take advantage of advanced capabilities such as CloudKit and push notifications, you must ensure your Developer ID provisioning profile is valid in order for installed versions of your application to run. Read more.
Developer ID Installer Certificate (Mac applications)
If your certificate expires, users can no longer launch installer packages for your Mac applications that were signed with this certificate. Previously installed apps will continue to run however new installations will not be possible until you have re-signed your installer package with a valid Developer ID Installer certificate. If your certificate is revoked, users will no longer be able to install applications that have been signed with this certificate.
回顾一下 iPhone 4 死亡之握,iPhone 6/6 Plus 掰弯门。都是最基本的产品测试项目。
苹果都没有承认自己的设计问题(never admitted publicly),只是公开打个哈哈,说友商信号也会不好 /友商也能掰弯。毕竟面子重要。iPhone 4 是如果你对信号不满意可以退货或者免费获得一个硅胶套,iPhone 6/6 Plus 貌似是后期机壳里加个了加固的金属条
其实最讨厌这个的是搞开发的,编译出来的程序,第一次运行要等个 5 秒,第二次就快了,如果再编译一次,又要等 5 秒。搞开发的浪费太多生命。
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