idea intellij/pycharm 的 VCS->Local History 可以设置历史版本的数量吗?
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idea intellij/pycharm 的 VCS->Local History 可以设置历史版本的数量吗?
懒得时不时 git add,commit
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idea intellij/pycharm 的 VCS->Local History 可以设置历史版本的数量吗?
懒得时不时 git add,commit
Change the retention period of Local History
Press Ctrl+Shift+A or choose Help | Find Action from the main menu.
Find and open the Registry editor.
Modify the value of the localHistory.daysToKeep parameter.
Click Close and restart IntelliJ IDEA for the changes to take effect.
Alternatively, you can pass the localHistory.daysToKeep parameter as a Java property by configuring JVM options. For example, to set retention to 30 days, add the following line to the JVM options file: