这个 Python 初级代码的错误在哪里? 求大神指导!
資深大佬 : chanelleemr 7
Cousera 上的一个课程作业,目的是允许用户连续输入几个整数、比较它们的大小。
这里我定义了两个函数来进行比较,结果显示一直是 none,不知道是哪一步错了,望各位不吝赐教
initiate the min/max value
largest = None smallest = None
we could define the function of comparison with def()
def larger(largest, fnum): if largest is None: largest = fnum else: if largest < fnum: largest = fnum return smallest
def smaller(smallest, fnum): if smallest is None: smallest = fnum else: if smallest > fnum: smallest = fnum return smallest
use while to make loop
while True:
let user input the numbers
snum = input('Enter a number: ')
insert the if (done)
if snum == "done": break
Transfer to float type
we use try/except to aviod explosion
try: fnum = int(snum) except: print ("Invalid input") continue
make comparison (MAX)
larger(largest, fnum)
make comparison (MIN)
smaller(smallest, fnum)
print the result
print (“Maximum is”, largest) print (“Minimum is”, smallest)
大佬有話說 (9)