
消息 : Propellerads提現需要上傳身份證等文件

老號被封了 , 新號剛好滿5刀測試周付

得到的消息是需要給身份證等文件 , 不給不發款~ 嚴格很多了

To process your payments please provide a copy of your ID to your manager or Support team



Currently, PropellerAds is in a process of integrating KYC system into our business processes.
So we would require you to provide us with a copy of your ID.
Please, note that no payments can be initiated until your profile completes the World Check approval.
Please attach the required document here, in the chat. We'll take appropriate actions.

Please make sure to send us a photo of the real ID, otherwise  your account can be blocked.
Also if the name of the payment method’s owner does not correlate with the ID - you need either to change the payment method or provide us with the ID of the payment method`s owner.



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