Mac OS 有什么视频转换软件吗?只想转变格式 不想动内容。
二的命令应该是对的. 至少要复制一遍数据流, 确定慢不是磁盘瓶颈?
补充: HEVC(h.265)的话要额外添加一个参数 -tag:v hvc1 才能预览.
输出了 但是有一些文件本身的信息没有了,我这里上传不了 imgur 的图 很难受 没法给你解释。。
我用 permute 转换以后文件大了 3 倍。吓到了。。
What’s the problem with Handbrake?
When you’re using Handbrake to convert from one container format to the other (i.e. MKV to MP4 in your case), Handbrake will re-encode the video. See also the respective feature request that would have enabled video passthrough:
「「「「「「 Sorry, adding video passthrough is not planned. HandBrake is designed to be a video transcoder. It wasn’t designed to allow passthrough.」」」」」」」
看这里 ⬆️
So, anytime you’re changing containers with Handbrake, your video is going to get re-encoded, which means it a) takes time and b) may introduce quality loss.
Do I have to re-encode? Couldn’t I just swap the container?
Since passthrough is not possible, ask yourself: Do I need to re-encode? If you only want to change the container from MKV to MP4, you usually don’t need to encode anything, you just change the “wrapping” around the video. This doesn’t lose quality, and it’ll be a much faster process.
You can swap containers easily with FFmpeg – you just have to tell it to copy the video and audio streams:
ffmpeg –
加入视频调整格式功能不是我们的计划,handbrake 是设计用来转换视频格式的,本就无计划加入转换容器功能。
可以选择 ,但是最高是 160kbps 的 aac,我的原音频是 Vorbis, Stereo, 44100Hz, 1061Kbps
As a general solution, I recommend MKVTools if you want to switch to an MKV container, or MP4Tools if you want to switch to an MP4 container. Both apps will let you remux without having to transcode, and they’ll let you select each individual video, audio, and subtitle stream that you want to include.